Frequently asked questions


Who are you?

I'm Maddison Stone, but I'm nobody of consequence. I'm just an average person who likes to write and tell stories. When my stories got too long to tell during a single meal I had to start writing them down. Then on a random day in winter I decided I wanted to get a PhD, but I'm not rich. I don't have the kind of money it takes to get that kind of an education. So I decided to combine my talent of story telling with my desire to earn a degree and try and raise the money to go back to school.

Why should I donate money to your book/blog?

. . . because it's going to be awesome. I'm sure I'm biased a bit but I like it so I think other people will too. You could be one of those other people. Also you should donate because you can be a part of helping me to get a quality education. That will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and you can rest easy knowing your money isn't going to pay for drugs or junk food. (Well, it might pay for a little bit of junk food, but only during the stress of finals week.)

You could think of it this way. When I get my degree, it won't just benefit me, it will benefit everyone as I turn that education into a career. So really it's an investment in the positive progression of society as a whole, and that will ultimately benefit you. 

(Do you like how I did that?)

What is that smell?

I'm not really sure, but when I smell something funny, I usually look to the person sitting next to me, even if the smell accidentally came from me. It throws people off if you can put the  suspicion onto someone else. 

(It really doesn't. Nobody ever falls for that but I feel better pretending that it does.)

What degree specifically are you trying to get?

Did I not mention that already? Don't worry it's not some made up degree like a PhD in the art of kitten wrangling or the science of potato chip tossing. I plan to get a PhD in mental health so that I can research ways to help people in the tight and terrible grip of addiction. I also want to help bring mental health issues to the mainstream so that people who need help won't be afraid to come forward and get help. It's a problem, and I want to help find relief for that problem. 

What's for dinner?

Food. Don't ask me agian.

What time is it?

Time to get a new watch, (Ha ha ha ha)  I'm sorry it's an old joke I had to do it. Unfortunately my phone is out of batteries so I don't know what time it is either.